Since my childhood, I have always enjoyed creating new forms by combining everyday objects and coming up with original games. Considering the client’s requirements, preferences, available resources, target age group, potential for failure or accidents, and how to propose an engaging play while taking all these into account, my “playfulness” has been a valuable asset in my current work of conducting workshops.
養運寺 草染め 2019 東京都 町田市
Vegetable dyeing at Youunji 2019 Tokyo Machida city

I suggested a natural dyeing workshop to the temple’s head priest, who expressed an interest in utilizing the temple’s backyard. We used leaves that produced colors, leaves that didn’t, flowers that looked different from their colors, and at times, even enlisted the help of pill bugs to assist with coloring. It was important for the participants to have the time to experience and discover things on their own rather than being taught everything by the teacher. After the workshop, we all enjoyed playing in the head priest’s homemade, quite adventurous, athletic corner before saying our goodbyes!
まちのこども園 2019 東京 代々木上原
Machinokodomoen 2019 Tokyo Yoyogiuehara
We combined dried branches which we picked up during a park walk and “unwanted items” from home to create our own brushes. Then, we all painted on a large piece of paper. It was a lot of fun, even though we didn’t really know what we were doing. The energy of the children, who were thoroughly enjoying themselves without really understanding why, was truly remarkable.