
ラダックの小さな村の学校にて 2019
Having art workshops at local schools, somebody’s house…everywhere during my trip.
Ladakh India 2019
A high-altitude region between the Himalayas and the Karakoram mountains in northern India. While one must be cautious of altitude sickness along the way (as the airport is already at an elevation of 3,500 meters), the area is rich in natural beauty and offers breathtaking, untouched landscapes. The opportunity to witness Tibetan culture, including traditional clothing and architecture, adds to its charm.
Nepal 2018
ネパールでお茶畑を経営している友人の計らいで、2つの学校で子供達と絵を絵を描くことができました。Thanks to a friend who runs a tea plantation in Nepal, I had the opportunity to draw pictures with children at two schools.
Thanks to a friend who runs a tea plantation in Nepal, I had the opportunity to draw pictures with children at two schools.